Friday, 18 December 2009

Blog no longer in use

I made up with my cuz and we have a new blog but it hasn't been done up
i will do this blog up and i recently got photoshop

Tuesday, 8 December 2009

More news!!

sorry guys,i havent made a post in a LONG time so, alot of news for you guys!!

rockhopper is coming!!! and his ship is green?! lol i guess he has the "Greenies" lol.

i don't know if the photo is tiny..if it is just go look through the lighthouse telescope.Also..

on the 11th of december.. the new holiday igloo catalogs are out!! along with,
Yay coins for change!!! ill donate 1,000,000 coins!! Yeah i know im rich lol.

The new gift shop catalog is out!!! ill show you the secrets,

go on the 1st page and click on the coins for change donation booth, you get the stocking cap.
ok,then go on the second page and click on the top of the tree to the left, you get the long johns.
ok, now stay on the same page,and click on the drum at the bottom of the tree to get the snare drum.
the same with the rest of the items on the tree like, click on the drum sticks to buy them and click on the guitar to buy the guitar etc.

The new pin is out!! the bell pin!!! to get it 1st,

1.go to the forest on your map on the big bell in the corner
well thats really it...Apparently, rockhoppers free item is something that will allow us to donate from our igloos!!

~Dorian Grey1

Sunday, 29 November 2009

New club Penguin Mission!!

okay, so club penguin are releasing a new mission!!

in mission 11, you get to earn some glasses! and on their blog they show sketches of them.
Here they are,

Click here to vote for the pair you like best!!

Also,club penguin are working on a new penguin to help with missions!
here she is,
yeah,its a she but she kinda looks like dot the disguise gal from EPF (elite penguin force DS game).

she guide's you through the game,so she could guide you through the missions too cool!!
more on that later.Bye!

~Dorian Grey1

Friday, 27 November 2009

Reviewed By You!

this weeks reviewed by you was about your favourite card-jitsu power cards and langille got picked! heres what he had to say,

"My favourite card is the card with G's boom box on it.It's so funny when your penguin starts dancing, and then before he can find out what's happening the boom box explodes!"

Remember if your review gets picked,you get 10,000 coins added to your acc!

~Dorian Grey1

Breaking news!

ok first the ice rink is here! woot! Then,i heard coins for change and rockhopper are coming near christmas!!

also,the great snow maze is here! here is the map to help you a little, The new snow and sports catalog is out! here are the cheats,

Click on the green guy to receive green items!
and finally,

their is a free item at the ski hill!! go get it!!

~Dorian Grey1

Thursday, 26 November 2009

Sleds Are Now Available!

ok so heres what to do,

1.go to the ski hill on the toboggan. They are 300 coins but they are worth it! heres what you look like holding it,
Like card-jitsu fire,they were supposed to be released tomorrow like the ice rink,but they were released early.

~Dorian Grey1

Today's Wonder:Puffles

why do these exist? i mean i know they are little bundles of joy and fluff but why did cp release these?

these are the pets in can get,red,blue,white,purple,green,yellow,black and pink.

cp released these several years ago and the most recent one discovered is the white.You keep them in your igloo and can name them whatever you want. you can feed them,bath them,play with them and walk them.When in the wild they build their own homes and find their own food which is usually an O berry,

An O berry can be made into a puffle O more food for your puffles.If the black one has an O berry,he gets exited and goes on fire (black one's are grumpy).

Each puffle has it's own personality but the blue one is easy to care for.

Here is a pic of one of my puffles player cards, Apparently, there is supposed to be a rainbow puffle but i don't believe that.You can buy furniture and all sorts for your puffle like beds,small houses,food trays and scratching posts.

ok so that was today's wonder,puffles.

~Dorian Grey1

Crazy Screen Glitch?

emmm...i've been having this weird glitch with club penguin start screen alot recently.

Here's what it looks like,

Is it just club penguin being lazy and not coming up with start screens? is it my computer? I don't know.

Can anyone help me out here? on how to resolve it?

have you had this? tell me in the comments section!

~Dorian Grey1


I play tootsville now! i just thought i'd let you know. im a bit of a newbie but anyway who cares im getting better!

here is a pic of my toot with my username and peanuts,
If you wanna meet me just ask in the comments,we acn play zap attack together!

i will also throw partys.

~Dorian Grey1

Screenhog on card jitsu!

ok so heres what he said,he was really just telling you how to play it:

"General Stuff:
There are practice mats for 2, 3, and 4 players. You can play with friends there.
If you talk to Sensei, and you pick the "Earn your Fire Suit" option, he'll set up a match. You get more experience points if you do this.
You can enter new offline trading card codes and you'll get cards added to your online deck. You won't see the animations in the Card-Jitsu Fire game but you can see them if you're playing the original Card-Jitsu game.
How to Play:

On your turn, select the stone which determines the spaces you move, choose your tile (you have 2 options), and then you'll pick your card to determine the outcome of the round.
If you land on one of these, - choose a card. The highest number wins. If you don't have the element, you cannot win that round.
If you end up with this symbol,
or if you land on the same space as an opponent, you're going to have a Card-Jitsu battle - the elements determine the winner (water beats fire, etc. as in the original Card-Jitsu).
If you end up on this symbol,you get to choose which of the 3 elements you'd like to play!
If you're playing and someone quits, you get the experience points. If you quit, you don't get any points.
With all this exciting fire stuff, don't forget the important element of snow... The Great Snow Maze and snowy sport celebrations start Friday at the Ski Village."

So... have you earned your fire suit yet? i havent lol.

~Dorian Grey1

Tuesday, 24 November 2009

Card jitsu fire!!!

It is out now!!! it was actually released last night for some reason...Oh well!!

card jitsu fire is awesome!!!!!! i love it...If you click on earn your fire suit you get to face up to 4 penguins!!!

the cards have no special moves but who cares.Anyway if you get your full fire suit then you can face the sensei and become a fire ninja! how cool is that?

this is the full fire suit..

You get a fire booster pack for your cards. And also... THERE ARE GOING TO BE SNOW AND WATER ROOMS!!woot!!!!!!

look at this picture of the amulet...
You get a gem for each skill you master!!

here is proof of the rooms...
Here is a pic of what the game looks like!

I cant be bothered telling the way the game works...find it out and go play yourself!

wow that was a mouthful..(or should i say beakful). I'll rap it up here...

~Dorian Grey1

Sunday, 22 November 2009

New toys and Card Jitsu Fire Sneak Peek's!

Hi guys!! club penguin have put on their blog a sneak peek of card jitsu fire!

This is it,
It us ment to move but if you want to see that go on cp's blog.

Also, they are showing some sneek peak's of the new card jitsu fire cards! they are out on the same day as card jitsu fire (nov 24th).

they have cool posters and new collectable tins!

here they are,

They look cool,But we have to wait! They are going to be released in walmart's,disney store's,and toys r us' worldwide! (i think lol).

~Dorian Grey1

Saturday, 21 November 2009

Fire sensei was online!!!

Sensei was online on the server blizzard!

Many people think that he is still on...but he is not.
I met him and got the free autograph backround that is his free gift.

Nothing new but it still looks cool.He is wearing the fire suit for card jitsu fire!

this is what he looks like,
Anyway... he isn't doing much apart from waddling around.He was hard to get to because it was so crowded at the volcano. (where he was).

I updated my sensei tracker because it was wrong it said he was on ice rink.I also added other trackers that are better and more accurate.

~Dorian Grey1

Friday, 20 November 2009

Club Penguin-NEW PIN CHEAT!!

to get the hot chocolate pin,
1.go into the town
2.then the coffee shop
3.then click on the hot chocolate above the couch


~Dorian Grey1

Reviewed by you!!!

this weeks reviewed by you by pingu73000 said this,

"my favourite winter sport is sledging because its so fun and you can race against your friends,i also like snowballing because your friends can join in that to because you can get into teams and have a hot choclate at the end of the game."

also next week they'll be asking for your most favourite card jitsu card ever! if you get picked you get 10,000 coins!!

no new updates on the pin or the igloo catalogs yet...for some reason, whats up cp?

~Dorian Grey1

Thursday, 19 November 2009

Screenhog talks card jitsu fire!!

Screenhog talks about card jitsu fire!! heres what he said.

"Hi everyone! It's Screenhog again.

If you haven't been there yet, you might want to check out the construction for the Card-Jitsu Fire game. It's our newest multiplayer game and it'll launch November 24th!

You might not know, but multiplayer games are pretty complicated to make. Only one other game in Club Penguin supports 4 players - Sled Racing. Up to 4 ninjas will be able to play together in Card-Jitsu Fire and the team's been working really, really hard to get it ready. Since the new game starts next week, I wanted to try and cover a few things you've asked about:

· Card-Jitsu Fire isn't just about new cards. It's a whole new way of using all your cards in a Fire Ninja setting.

· You'll be using the cards you have already collected. But it's not just Fire cards - you'll be able to master the element of fire but you'll have to use all the elements to do so."

Sounds cool huh? i totally can't wait for card jitsu fire to come out! Also tommorrow the new igloo catalogs are out.

on the 27th the ice rink returns!! with new sports gear!!

~Dorian Grey1

Tuesday, 17 November 2009

Todays Wonder:Box Dimension

The Box Dimension.

why does it exist? why was it created? why am i asking so many questions?

i decided to do a thing every week (if i can) about wonders in cp.

todays is the box dimension.Now,we know its a game, but when would you ever see a penguin in a box?

how is it so big and why are there boxes with trees floating around? can someone tell me? all there is is boxes floating everywere....

Nobody really goes in there anymore and your lucky if you have a box to go there.

This is what it looks like...

Who knows maybe some point in the future it will have like a huge party or an event or something in there...maybe not.
until then...waddle on!!!

~Dorian Grey1

Card Jitsu Fire Release Date!!!

Woot!!! the new card jitsu fire has a release date!!!

it has been announced that card jitsu fire will be released on the 24th of november.
cool eh? we wonder what the volcano will look like when it is finished? i think that it will be awesome!!!

the volcano is under construction but i heard that card jitsu fire will have up to 4 players at the one time! thats alot eh?

this is what the volcano looks like now,

I wonder what it will look like when its finished, eh?

well i'll get back to you on that one,until then,waddle on!

~Dorian Grey1

Monday, 16 November 2009

New Members Maze Sneak Peek!

This is the new maze coming for members on the 27th of november.

this is a sneak peek of it..yet another members thing...if you arent a member then cant do it *sob*.

anyway there is alot of confusion in this and i cant wait till it comes out!! can you? me being a fan of mazes and all.
an article in the newspaper says that rory the construction penguin is creating it with his snow trekker and it will be available for three days! when it comes out i will post secrets,hints and tips about it.

~Dorian Grey1

Saturday, 14 November 2009

3 New Postcards

There Are 3 new Postcards.They are,
1.Norman swarm
2.Hide and seek
do you like them? Post a comment and let me know!

~Dorian Grey1

My New Blog!!!!

Hi this is dorian grey1 here! this is my new blog...We were inspired by mimo777s blog so i thought why not? lets create one !!!

have fun commenting on and exploring my blog.

~Dorian Grey1


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